Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Blahdy Blahdy Blah

I was thinking I would blog everyday. It's not that I don't have anything to say, I have too much and with each day that passes it keeps growing. So much so, that I am reluctant to write. Anyway, that is my lamo excuse for not blogging for a while!

I can almost say that I am over the X, apart from the talking all the time, and meeting up for a drink every now and then, I seem to be doing fine without him. We have evolved into a platonic relationship. It's just like it was before minus the sex. What do you know, we can be friends.

I have now had 812 visits to my Match.com profile! I haven't gone out with anyone yet. Came close, but then bailed out. I went to visit my 90 year old grandmother on Sunday. She is always asking me where I'm going, what I'm doing. I guess she likes to live vicariously through me. I haven't had too much excitement lately. I could see the disappointment in her eyes. So I told her, "I could have a date everyday of the week if I wanted to." I felt like such an idiot after I said that. And then when I spoke to my Mother tonight she mentioned that my grandmother told her that I said that. Ugh!

Has anyone ever joined Classmates.com? I joined it about... I don't know, 3 years ago? Every once in a while I'll get an email that says, "12 new classmates have joined" Sometimes, I'll follow the link. I never really know who's new. You have to sift through the 800+ classmates.
My friend Brian and I were talking about it a few weeks ago and he thought it was a total scam because they make you pay to email people. I have a Gold membership. Anyway, last week I got an email that said one of my classmates contacted me! I followed the link and found an email from my first boyfriend from first grade. I emailed him back and we are going to meet up for coffee and catch up. That's a lot of catching up! I haven't told Brian yet. I can't wait to prove him wrong about this classmates.com thing. I might even have to marry this guy ;) just kidding.

I bought a puppy. A Bishon Frise. He is absolutely adorable! He looks like a little white teddy bear. He is very lovable but sometimes he gets evil. Especially when he sees shadows. That really freaks him out. He is literally afraid of his own shadow.

If anybody has any puppy training tips I would be very happy to hear them! I will hopefully have some pics of the pup to post soon!


Blogger Amber said...

Glad to see you are back - I've been checking in!

About the puppy... try and be patient. I did the potty training thing and decided I will NEVER do it again - not until I have kids that is.

Keep your chin up, it's only about 4 months of cleaning up messes. :)

8:05 PM  

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