Wednesday, May 24, 2006

22 Days Left

22 days left until I hand in my notice! That feels good to say, especially after the day I had today. My boss was giving me major attitude. He was his usual condescending, obnoxious self. One of my co-workers who heard his outburst came in to see if I was ok. I did breakdown a little. I cried. It's been a while since I had a good cry. I guess it good to get that stuff out every once in a while, but still I feel like I should not let these guys get to me. It's hard. My resilience is wearing thin. I was searching the blogthings for that quiz that Barbara has on her blog. The "what color are you?" one, and stumbled across this one which I had to take and post right away.

Your Job Dissatisfaction Level is 75%

Your job is a total bummer, and probably the worst job you've ever had.

Your co-workers stink. Your boss is a jerk. And your company is probably in trouble.

Think about finding a new job quickly, even if it's just a not-so-great transition job.

You've got to get out of there as quickly as you can!

Now that is validation!


Blogger Bar L. said...

Mine was 42%:

I am glad you are doing this! Life is too short to spend it in a job you don't like!

10:15 PM  
Blogger Michael K. Althouse said...

30% here. I had to apply a lot of the questions towards school or past employment since I can't really have a job satisfaction rating with no job.


7:29 AM  

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